Feed your Garden against the Stress of Summer.

Feed your Garden against the Stress of Summer.

from A$150.00

North of the River Only

This Services does include pick up, Delivery and spreading fertiliser were needed.

Good Nutrition and Wetta soil building host a huge range of organisms that drive the fertility for exotic and native plants, in turn this strengthens their resistance to the pest and diseases with the added benefit of of colourful foliage and Prepare for the stress of summer.

We will Feed your Roses, Herbs, Fruit trees, Natives and trees.

Please select the amount of fertiliser required by your property size.

We will spread between 1 to 2 cup fulls of correct fertiliser with wetta soil depending on size and type of plant. this ensure that the good nutrition reaches the roots system of your garden and not the Swan river or our water ways. 





Size of Property:
Feed your Garden